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Massive thank you to our amazing parents and PTA. Owls love their tops!!

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Tuesday 18th June, Croscombe Village Hall 10:00am - 11:00am

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Sports Day

Friday 14th June, Croscombe School Field at 1:30pm

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Croscombe Cake Sale

Wednesday 27th March

Please come along and join us for an afternoon of Easter Celebrations
Easter Service at St Mary's Church 2:00pm
Easter Egg hunt at the school field 2:30pm
Cake Sale in the school playground at 3:30pm
The children will be dismissed as usual from the school at 3:20pm for collection by parents.
Please bring any cake donations into the office on Wednesday morning.

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Memory jar

Congratulations to all the performers in tonight's Make the Sunshine production, 'Magical Memory Jar'. You are all FANTASTIC - amazing acting, speaking, singing and dancing. We are so proud of you all. A very special show.

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Red Nose Day

The children enjoyed wearing red for Comic Relief day.

Donations to be made via this link

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Staff World Book Day

Wonderful Costumes for World Book Day and even the staff joined in

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Nov 1

We had a visit yesterday from Make The Sunshine who brought Scarlet Oak Theatre with them to perform

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Shrew with the Flu

The Shrew With The Flu

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We have been observing and describing the change of weather in the winter. We made our own rain gauge, wind sock and weather vane and have been measuring the weather daily. 

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Update from Bluebells (Reception) classroom in Croscombe, from Julie Chadi, teacher.

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Acorns Class visits Rev. Chris

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Rev. Gill leads assembly celebrating Art Week.

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Running circuits and art afternoons!

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School celebrates all things poetry

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Croscombe School takes part in Federation Art Week

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Conkers experiment with ice.

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Conker Class enjoys science week

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Acorns visit the Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury.

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Acorns creating paper sculptures for Science Week!

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Conkers have been look at the "Changes and Uses of Materials in their science lesson this week.

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Meet Rose Potato who is joining us in Acorns and is having many adventures!

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School shows support to the Ukraine.

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School celebrates WBD!

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Conkers get artistic

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Therapy dog visits Croscombe!

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School assembly reflections

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Acorns enjoy math

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Acorns ask scientific questions about materials.

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Pupils’ work feature at local poetry and art festival.

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In DT this term Conkers class are focusing on food.

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Our Christian Value for this term is Compassion.

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In Acorns History and Science class, they have been discussing and participating in fun activities to gain a better understanding of the world!

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Conkers class have been creating wonderful art work!

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Jane Taylor writing workshop!

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Conkers class have been looking at the work of Wassily Kandinsky.

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In their DT lessons, Conkers class have been learning about Cooking and Nutrition.

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Remembering Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

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Christmas Jumper Day fun!

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Chestnuts gymnastics!

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The year 5's in Conkers have been investigating light in Science

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Croscombe children watching 'The Tale of The Charming Rat' performance. 

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More photos of the Whitstone Dance Festival! 

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Conkers class have been continuing with their unit on printing.

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Year 5 enjoyed the fantastic Dance Festival at Whitstone School!

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Conkers class have been busy foil printing!

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Croscombe children celebrating Children in Need Day!

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Croscombe's thankfulness display!

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Croscombe's designed a Water Butt for Bristol Water's competition!

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Conkers class this week creating firework pictures!

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Conkers taking responsibility for Royal British Legion and Poppy Appeal!

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Christian Values Autumn Term 2

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Croscombe Open Evening on Tuesday 16th November!

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Reminder on how to dress your child for the cold weather!

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Conkers class have been creating map designs!

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Chesnuts class trip to the Rural Life Mueseum!

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Trust is our Christian Value

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Keep busy with Mr.D!

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We are the champions!

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Acorns class topic is tasty!

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Take a look at our Torahs!

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Croscombe CofE School celebrate gentleness!

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Reception children play with water!

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Acorns' class pets have had babies!

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UPDATE: The Croscombe line is now working

Croscombe phone line is down. Please use 01749 840470 to contact us.

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Whitstone School are welcoming parents to come along to their Open Evening!

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School has confirmed cases of Covid 19 in pupils.

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Conker's celebrate their Year 6 leavers'.

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Pupil enters BBC competition!

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School celebrates Christian values

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Croscombe school participates in charity fundraiser!

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Reception have been learning about numbers.

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Conker class enjoy DT lesson.

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Rev. Chris does Pentecost assembly!

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Acorn Class has fun doing Talk for Writing story tasks

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Chestnut Class enjoys educational videos.

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Chestnuts learn about Ancient Greek schooling!

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Acorn class have been busy learning about weights of objects.

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Conkers class are learning about the importance of recycling!

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Conker Class learns about the human circulatory system.

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Conker Class does DT

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Chestnuts learn about ancient Greeks.

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Acorn Class creates stamp designs!

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Celebrating Ascension Day with Rev. Chris

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School Celebrates Somerset Day

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Acorns get stranded on a desert island!

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Conker Class design hanging baskets!

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Conker Class design stamps for Royal Mail competition!

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Conker class have been flexing their green fingers!

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Keeping our schools grounds clean and tidy.

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Chestnut Class does science!

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The school learns about Christian 'Service'

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Fundraising walk for Croscombe & Stoke schools & Little Roots Pre-School

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School celebrates Earth Day by watching play!

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Children plant beans in bags!

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Conker's class explore school pond!

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Croscombe pupils celebrate Easter!

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Mrs. Bloom has baby!

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Chestnut class does some science!

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Chestnut and Acorn classes focuses on their wellness!

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School is decorated with bunting!

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Croscombe children enjoying Wellbeing Wednesday activities on the field!

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Ethan, his family and friends plant trees to improve local environment!

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National Day of Reflection

Federation marks special day!

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Acorns children on Red Nose Day!

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Conkers creativity flowers!

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Chestnuts get buttering!..

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Check out Mr D's last online session..

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World Book Day Window Art

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Can you guess them all?

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Conkers' excellent guides!

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About Books!

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Quietly, quietly!

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Explosive topic inspires!

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Wonderful Wellness Wednesday!

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Coat of Arms fit for Castle!

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Lesson No.5..

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Keeping everyone sweet!

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Mental Health Week

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Acorns' class topic inspires an impressive build!

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Vesuvius inspires.. 

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Lilly gets creative!

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Excellent English home learning!

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Online PE Lesson No.4

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It's OK to ask for help!

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Lesson No.3!

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Riley's Tree & Lydia's Labyrinth

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COVID Safe Carolling!

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Christmas Jumpers & Christingles

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Acorns looking Angelic!

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Conkers & the Maya Gods

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Talk for Writing fun.

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Figgy the Elf goes wandering..

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Conkers showing leadership!

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Raffle Ticket-tastic!

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Acorns get arty with award-winning author..

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The journey begins..

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Conkers creating sparks!

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Inspiring our budding writers!

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Sun Rise, Sun Set.

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A Novel Approach!

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Fun-day Friday for Children in Need!

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Elijah inspires & a moment of prayer.

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Remembrance Day Activities

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Remembrance Day Activities

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A busy last week for Acorns!

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This half term's 'value'!

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Strode College Entertain Us!

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New York artist inspires Conkers

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Asking for help when things seem impossible!

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Budding Andy Warhols in Acorns!

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'Film in the Field' fundraising success!

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We have been looking at the fantastic book by Oliver Jeffers 'Here we are'.

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Acorns Class have been looking at this terms value  which  is perseverance  and coloured in an assortment of superheros who  always persevere!

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Conkers explore the wonder of human diversity.

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Year 6 delivers the first Virtual Assembly!

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This terms value to focus on!

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Year 6 made bicarbonate of soda and vinegar lava volcanoes with Mrs Amor.

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Welcome Back to School

Have a look at this short video  whcih aim to help explain what the measures coming back to school  mean for children  and parents

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