World Poetry Day

Celebrating the magic of poetry!

Monday was World Poetry Day and in Stoke we decided that it would be a great idea for the children to 'delve into the imaginative world of poetry' and create their own poems with the idea of producing a tree poem linked to our Forest art by the end of the week.

Using a collection of poems from the book I am the seed that grew the tree, the children have looked at poems by famous poets such as William Blake and Christina Rossetti and learnt about personification, colour imagery and shape. They have enjoyed the week and produced some wonderful poems. Here are a selection of poems from Oak Class:  personified weather and colour poems.


Purple looks like a Queens royal crown,

Purple sounds like birds tweeting,

Purple smells like glory when you win,

Purple feels like fluffy corgi,

Purple tastes like freshly picked blueberries,

Purple is royal.

Olivia - Yr 4


I am lightning

I love to scare

Like sometimes I like to strike

Out of the sky

And flash

In the 


Logan - Yr 4


Grey looks like a pigeon pecking breadcrumbs on the ground,

Grey sounds like a fighter jet soaring through the sky,

Grey smells like damp fog wisping through the wind,

Grey feels like a cuddly teddy bear hug,

Grey tastes like delicious mushroom soup,

Grey is gloomy.

JJ - Yr 3.


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